At a quiet spot in the countryside, the family is menaced by a mysterious being which seems to take delight in frightening them. Their valiant effort to defend themselves ends in catastrophe when the father turns into an ugly, horrifyingly hideous monster. His entire body is twisted and mutated so much that it is now impossible to tell the father whom we once used to know. The family is scared virtually to death and at the same time cannot understand fully what is going on and what the end will be. The worse the father becomes the harder it is for the family to stay sane and keep their heads up. The family is faced with the truth that the person on whom they were counting as their protector may have become a prey to a dark and wild creature. Follow Hurawatch Horror Movies for more.
Wolf Man Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Wolf Man (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Horror
Director: Leigh Whannel
Writer: Leigh Whannell, Corbett Tuck
Stars: Christopher Abbott, Julia Garner, Matilda Firth